How To Deal With Temper Tantrums
Category Blog

Temper tantrums and small kids are known to go hand in hand at times. These outbursts of screams and tears assist children in coping with experiences and emotions they are unfamiliar with and lack the abilities to regulate. Tantrums are especially common during the \”terrible twos,\” a phase when youngsters become fussy and demanding around…

Role Of Melatonin In Autism Spectrum Disorder
Category Autism Blog

About two-thirds of the children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Changes in daily behavior, memory, and learning may occur as a result of poor sleep quality. Sleep problems are common in children with ASD, with early waking, poor sleep efficiency, somnambulism, and delayed sleep-onset latency being among…

Role Of Probiotics In Autism Spectrum Disorder
Category Autism Blog

Autism is a group of disorders characterized by difficulties with speech, nonverbal communication, repetitive behavior, and social skills. There are various subtypes of autism, most of which are impacted by environmental and genetic factors. Autism is linked to sensory sensitivities, gastrointestinal issues, depression, and sleep disturbances, and primarily affects children between the ages of two…

Role Of Environmental Factors In Autism Spectrum Disorder
Category Autism Blog

Although it has been difficult to pinpoint the causative agents that lead to the development of autism spectrum disorder, it is known that autism is generally caused due to the interplay between certain environmental factors in autism spectrum disorder, and a few genetic factors.  Environmental Factors In Autism Spectrum Disorder The causative environmental agents impact…