Joint Attention Skills In Children With Autism

Joint Attention Skills In Children With Autism
According to research, many children with autism have trouble with joint attention, which is the capacity to focus on an object or region with another person. Following someone else\’s gaze or using a pointed finger to look at something are examples of shared attention skills. Communication and language learning require shared attention. Joint attention therapy aims to improve certain shared attention skills like pointing, exhibiting, and coordinating gaze between a person and an item.

Why Do Children With Autism Have Difficulty Using Joint Attention? 

A \”core deficit\” for children on the Autism Spectrum is a lack of joint attention. It can be difficult for kids with autism to do things like take a glance at a toy you point to or come up to you and tickle you to signify he or she wants to start a back-and-forth activity. This is because they frequently lack the social skills required to communicate such experiences. Establishing shared attention is critical for children with autism to communicate their wants and needs (as well as socialize with others by saying \”hello,\” making comments, and responding to what others say).

What Can Be Done To Build Joint Attention Skills In Children On The Spectrum? 


  1. Be An Ideal Language Model

    Modeling joint attention skills for your child is a fantastic method to encourage them!  Talk to your child frequently and make observations about the world around you. As you speak, make movements such as pointing. For example, while building with your kid, point to a block and say \”block.\” When you hear a bird while walking with your child, look aloft and point, exclaiming \”bird!\” Take your child\’s finger and assist him or her in pointing to different photos in a book that you want him or her to find.

  2. Get On Your Child’s Level

    Lay on the floor, sit on your knees to achieve eye level at your child\’s small table, and play with toys close to your face! It\’s easier for your child to switch his or her attention between objects and you if you get down to his or her level. As a result, your kid may be more likely to make eye contact.

  3. Let Them Lead

    Rather than trying to start a new activity, pay attention to how your youngster interacts with objects. Consider what toys or activities tend to hold your child\’s interest the most. What is it that he or she enjoys doing with them? Start by playing near your child with the same type of toy and in the same manner as them. For example, if your child is pushing a toy train, take your own train and push it back and forth while resting on the floor next to them. Slowly join in play with him or her by putting your train on the same tracks as your child or encouraging a “race” where you push your trains at the same time after you say “ready, set, go!”.

  4. Imitate Your Child

    Imitating your child is one of the most effective ways to pique your child\’s interest and increase their enjoyment of an activity. Get another ball and imitate your child if he or she is throwing a ball in the air. If your youngster always makes an \”ooo\” sound after destroying a block tower, build your own and do the same. Not only will your youngster enjoy watching you copy them, but it may also lead to you and your child taking turns!

  5. Play With Them

    Keep it fun! Play games with your child that allow him or her to have fun without needing any toys. For example, hold your child\’s hands and swing them higher whenever they grab for something. Give your kid a piggyback ride, then take a breather and turn around. Continue when he or she looks at you! Start a chase game with your child if he or she enjoys being active. The more fun your child is having, the more likely he or she will show joint attention along with you. 

If your child has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or is having difficulties with social-communication skills, they may require support with establishing joint attention skills. Therapy supports for children with developmental delays may focus on building joint attention skills.

Get in touch with us at Continua Kids and secure the best autism treatment in Ghaziabad for your child’s joint attention treatment.