Dyslexia accounts for 80 percent of all learning disabilities.

Dyslexia accounts for 80 percent of all learning disabilities. The Dyslexia Association of India reported in 2016, close to 35 million children in India were diagnosed with dyslexia. Even today, there hasn’t been much difference in the numbers. Millions go undiagnosed due to India’s deplorably low awareness of the disease. People assume children with a specific learning disability to be just less intellectual or stubborn. These children often find it challenging to perform at their full potential in school or follow instructions.
What Is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a condition when a child struggles with language learning abilities. As a result, the child may find it challenging to read, write, pronounce specific words, spell or calculate. These problems may remain for life, but the level of challenge depends on any intervention initiated to treat dyslexia.
Children face problems in more than fifteen functional areas beyond learning capabilities like being excessively conscious about body image, staying unfocused, weak memory etc.
Types of Dyslexia
Rapid naming : While naming letters, colors, numbers, or objects, the individual has to give a long thought. The names do not come naturally or automatically once they see them.
Surface : The child will have difficulty learning new words or memorizing familiar ones. The condition is also termed dyseidetic dyslexia.
Phonological : The child struggles with sounding out words, letters or syllables. They cannot decode a language, finding links with how a word is written and spoken. It is also termed dysphonetic dyslexia.
Visual Dyslexia : Visual Dyslexia causes problems in visual processing that impair the ability to understand what the eye sees. As a result, the child cannot spell letters as it demands the brain to sequence the letters or shapes of them correctly. The alphabets may appear blurry or reversed to the child.
Double deficit : The child faces reading difficulties concerning two areas. One is about naming speed, and the other is about recognizing word sounds. The form is a combination of rapid naming and phonological dyslexia.
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Signs You May Notice
So how do you understand if your child has dyslexia? These are some of the tell-tell signs.
- Delay in developing speech in early childhood.
- Confusion with directions
- The child is always distracted
- Unable to generate rhyming words in late childhood.
- Lacking fluency.
- Make grammatical errors, mishear sounds, or conflate similar-sounding terms.
- Balance or coordination problems
- Difficulty in doing calculations(dyscalculia)
- Behavior issues.
Diagnosis and Treatment at Continua Kids
Although ADHD can impair learning, it is not a learning disability. Children with dyslexia can learn to read and write with the help of compensatory strategies, therapy, and educational support. Techniques and technical aids are available to help manage or conceal the disorder’s symptoms.
We conduct a Psychoeducational Evaluation that assesses the following areas depending on the child’s age.
- Auditory and Visual Critical Thinking
- Language skills
- Abstract Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills
- Memory
- Attention span
- Auditory and Visual Discrimination and classification
- Visual-Motor Coordination
After adequately analyzing the test results, we can design an intervention plan. We also plan mediation with the Best doctor for specially abled kids.
For children diagnosed with dyslexia, we have reinforced collateral training for reading and spelling improvement using specially-tailored fonts.
At Continua Kids, the treatments are not limited to specific conditions. Our well-rounded diagnosis accurately determines the coexisting conditions like ADHD our autism that may be present along with dyslexia. We have the most qualified professionals for various therapies familiar with the needs of specially-abled children with multiple conditions, supervised by the best pediatric neurologist in Delhi.
For more queries about dyslexia and the related interventions, give us a call or book an appointment for a consultation.
CONTINUA Kids is unique in its own way as it provides all the scientifically proven, individualized therapies which are required for special children under one roof.
What causes dyslexia?
Dyslexia may be an inherited condition, or the child may have developed it from a traumatic head injury. Sometimes the condition develops in the womb itself.
How serious is dyslexia?
At least 20% of the population has dyslexia to some degree. The child may not have any psychological defects on a mild level as it happens for moderate to severe cases. As dyslexia intensifies, the child becomes highly uncomfortable with regular school activities.
Is it possible to cure dyslexia?
There is no absolute cure for dyslexia as the exact neural defect causing it is yet to be discovered. However, with the proper treatment and support, management is possible. It is critical to intervene early in efforts to improve reading and writing abilities.
Is dyslexia related to autism? If so, how?
No, dyslexia and autism aren’t related as one is a learning disorder while the other is a developmental disorder. But a child diagnosed with autism may also have dyslexia. But the reverse isn’t true.
Are Dyslexia and ADHD(Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder) similar?
ADHD and dyslexia share some characteristics though they are two distinct brain disorders. ADHD impairs impulse control and focus, making one hyperactive. Dyslexia also causes loss of focus, but it is a learning disability that makes it difficult to understand written and spoken language.