Why to choose ABA Therapy for your child
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With lockdown 4.0 in force, children continue to be home and attend online classes, whereas working parents have gradually started going to their workplace. As educational institutes might take long to start operating normally, it is crucial that we teach our children get used to this way of living, learning and working. Adolescence is the…

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Everyday skills and practical knowledge could be instilled in a teenager by using the free ‘excess time’ and turning it into a memorable moment. This difficult time of COVID 19 could be easily turned into family bonding and experiential learning by following the points given below. Money management: Teenage is the time when a child…

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For children, the current crisis is acting as a catastrophe, especially for those with special needs, who love stereotypies and abhor any instant change in the environment/daily routine. By Puja Kapoor In this unprecedented time of lockdown, due to COVID 19, we are facing unique concerns. Source: https://indianexpress.com/article/parenting/learning/five-ways-to-help-kids-develop-language-skills-at-home-6393095/

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kids are a bundle of energy and with excessive free time and no schedule, this energy could be explosive. There is a social media message which is making multiple rounds, \”If the schools are closed for too long, parents are going to find a vaccine before the scientists!\”. This illustrates the difficult time the parents…