

Social anxiety to temper troubles: How pandemic is affecting kids\’ behaviour

In absence of schools, playgrounds and other physical activities in pandemic times, children may be developing social anxiety and communication troubles. Due to closure of schools, children aged between 1 to 4 years are not getting an opportunity to go out and interact with their peers(Pixabay). Source:

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Physical activities that help with kids’ brain development and growth

Physical inactivity is now considered as the leading cause of global mortality. In children, it can lead to increased incidence of obesity and other lifestyle disorders. There is an alarming increase in obesity in children being observed in the last decade, which is secondary to either the lack of physical activity or overeating. Physical activities in early childhood are critically important in helping reduce the increased health risks associated with obesity and overweight. Source:

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कहीं आपके बच्चे को कोई ईटिंग डिसऑर्डर तो नहीं हो रहा?

अगर आपके बच्चे को कोई परेशानी है और खाने-पीने को लेकर उसके पैटर्न बहुत बदल गए हैं तो हो सकता है कि उसे ईटिंग डिसऑर्डर हो। बच्चे खाने में बहुत नखरे करते हैं और कई बार तो ये टीनएज तक जारी रहता है। खाने में नखरे करना एक बात है, लेकिन अगर किसी बच्चे को ईटिंग डिसऑर्डर हो रहा है तो इसके बारे में जानकारी कैसे मिलेगी? बच्चों और टीनएजर्स के खाने-पीने की आदतों में कोई अहम बदलाव बहुत ज्यादा

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Early Signs Of Autism And Parenting Tips For An Autistic Child

Autism spectrum disorder impacts the nervous system, resulting in challenges with cognitive, emotional, social and physical health. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition caused by brain abnormalities. Science till date doesn\’t know the exact causes these differences for most people with ASD. There are multiple causes of ASD, although most are not yet known but it\’s been known to be an interplay of some genetic and environmental factors. Source:

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How To Differentiate If Your Kid Is A Quick Learner Or Hyperlexic?

Parents come across variations in the way their child develops which can at times bother them or excite them that their child may be possessing some extraordinary ability. The confusion that whether my child is a quick learner or hyperlexic is one of such. Many times parents consider their hyperlexic child as a quick learner. Hence it is important to know how to differentiate between the two. Read this article as Dr. Himani Narula, Developmental and Behavioural Paediatrician Director & Co-founder

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Parenting Tips: Importance and Process Of Child Development

A child’s growth and development is a slow, continuous, sequential process that proceeds from general to a specific milestone. Even though every human being passes through the same sequence of events in the journey of milestones, the rate of development is variable. There is a range to each and every milestone. Source:

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टीनएज बच्चों की परेशानियों का ऐसे लगाएं पता, एक्सपर्ट से जानें टिप्स

किसी टीनएजर की मानसिक समस्या बहुत बढ़ रही हो तो माता-पिता को यकीनन एक्सपर्ट की सलाह माननी चाहिए। जानिए कैसे टीनएजर्स की मानसिक समस्याओं का पता लगा सकत… Source:

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