Category Blog

Pros of Online Therapies If you are a parent to a child with special needs, here are some advantages of online therapies for you: The responsibility of the caregivers increased immensely. Now instead of just driving the child to the therapy center, they had to actually execute the task on the child, under the guidance…

Category News

A child’s growth and development is a slow, continuous, sequential process that proceeds from general to a specific milestone. Even though every human being passes through the same sequence of events in the journey of milestones, the rate of development is variable. There is a range to each and every milestone. Source:

Category News

किसी टीनएजर की मानसिक समस्या बहुत बढ़ रही हो तो माता-पिता को यकीनन एक्सपर्ट की सलाह माननी चाहिए। जानिए कैसे टीनएजर्स की मानसिक समस्याओं का पता लगा सकत… Source:

Category News

A 14-year-old, tired of the droning of his teacher’s voice, and the drudgery of online classes, switched to a private window, where he began to play games online with his friends, who joined him from their respective houses. Source: