Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Mental disorders are complex and highly misunderstood. It is why, many times, they go undiagnosed. ADHD is one of those diseases which is often misinterpreted as it overlaps with several other mental problems. ADHD affects 11.3 percent of children in India at the primary level and 5 percent worldwide. Early detection of ADHD can aid in timely treatment and developing an educational plan. Continua Kids has the best doctors for specially-abled kids who can identify ADHD in young kids and offer the best treatment.
What Is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
ADHD or attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder is a neurological developmental disorder that affects children, adolescents, and adults. Children with ADHD are prone to hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. It also includes being extremely forgetful and unable to control triggers. ADHD, if not addressed, can make it difficult for children to succeed in school, achieve their goals, and compete in various activities. Early intervention for ADHD is crucial.
Signs and Symptoms Of ADHD
The symptoms are varied and not a clear indication of the disorder as there may be other reasons why the child is behaving a certain way. But if the symptoms persist and start affecting their academic performance, you need to see a pediatric neurologist or developmental pediatrician. Some common signs are:
- Lack of attention
- Mood swings and hot temper
- Impulsiveness and low tolerance level
- Difficulty in time-management
- Disorganization
- Hyperactivity
- Fidgeting
- Stress-related problems
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ADHD Diagnosis and Management
Behavioral Therapy : Managing disruptive behavior by fulfilling daily and weekly goals is a part of the therapy. Following a strict routine and timetable, decreasing distractions while studying, limiting choices, positive reinforcement are some of the things to try out.
Diet Management : Maintain a simple diet, avoiding carbs, sugar-based food, coloring agents, and processed food.
Medications : Medications are only used when the requirement is absolute. ADHD medicines can be both stimulants and non-stimulants. Some of them are:
- Methylphenidate.
- Lisdexamfetamine.
- Dexamfetamine.
- Atomoxetine.
- Guanfacine
Treating ADHD At Continua Kids
First stage – Developmental Screening and Monitoring : It starts with simple questionnaires about a child’s thinking abilities, behaviors, emotions, physical activities and others. The monitoring is done at 9, 18, 24, 30 months of age.
Second Stage – Comprehensive Developmental Evaluation : It is an in-depth diagnosis done for a specific problem. The test is more detailed and follows a structure. A team of specialists do this evaluation to identify specific issues and determine if the child with ASD needs special therapy.
What We Do For ASD At Continua Kids?
At Continua Kids, we guarantee that your child will start with simple questionnaires. It will be necessary for determining the child’s and parents’ outlooks on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), its causes, and consequences.
We provide the requisite knowledge of ADHD, its comorbidities, and treatment options. After a thorough diagnosis of the child and counseling with parents or caregivers, the treatment starts.
Our treatments involve cognitive behavioral therapy, psychological treatment, special education and medication.
In addition to the classes at our centre, we will devise a plan that can be followed at home and school.
If you need guidance or support for managing ADHD in your child or want the best ADHD treatment, you can consult with our experts at Continua Kids. Book your appointment today.
CONTINUA Kids is unique in its own way as it provides all the scientifically proven, individualized therapies which are required for special children under one roof.
What causes ADHD?
A child may inherit the condition if it has been there in the family history or may have it due to some acquired neural disorder during development. In some cases, ADHD also happens when the child is exposed to excess lead.
Are ADD and ADHD the same?
Attention-Deficit/Hypersensitivity Disorder or ADHD is slightly different from Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD. ADHD is the modern terminology for the same conditions described in ADD, but it also addresses the hypersensitivity problems. ADD is characterized by disorganization, inability to focus, and memory loss.
Is ADHD a serious condition in children?
If ADHD is left untreated for a long time, the child will develop persistent disruptive behavior that will cause more problems later in life as a teen or adult. Children with ADHD may also suffer from anxiety and depression, which in itself is profound. Therefore, one should not delay the ADHD treatment.
Is it possible for a child with ADHD to lead a normal life?
Children with ADHD show behavior problems occasionally that affect their social life. If you start the treatments early, then the effects are minimized to a large extent, and the child is able to lead a normal life.
Can you treat ADHD in children without giving them medicines?
It is possible to manage ADHD in children without any medicines. Steps should be taken to reduce stress. Also, regular exercises, meditation, a healthy diet, sufficient sleep and special therapies will help.