What Is The Difference Between ASD And ADHD?

What Is The Difference Between ASD And ADHD

Autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are both neurodevelopmental illnesses that share a number of characteristics. People with autism and ADHD, for example, may both be impulsive, and both diseases may cause children to develop speech later than is expected. Lets read the difference between ASD and ADHD :

ADHD and autism, on the other hand, are two separate diagnoses. It\’s perfectly feasible to have ADHD and autism at the same time. It\’s critical to recognise and treat both conditions effectively when this happens (which happens frequently).


Difference Between ASD And ADHD :

  • While ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that makes it difficult for children to focus, pay attention, sit still, and control their impulses, autism is a group of neurological disorders that create difficulties with social skills, communication, and thinking. Autism spectrum condition includes repetitive behaviors as well.
  • Children with ADHD may struggle to follow social rules, making it difficult to develop and keep friends. Severe feedback for acting out or not paying attention on a regular basis can have a negative impact on a child\’s self-esteem and motivation, making him feel \”terrible\” or \”no good.\” The key challenges of ASD, on the other hand, are social understanding, communication, and repetitive patterns or habits. Many children with ASD, even those who may not have substantial cognitive difficulties, have difficulty making friends, understanding how to relate to others, and deciphering social cues.

What Are The Common Symptoms Of ADHD And Autism?

  • Speaking out of turn and leaping up when it\’s not suitable are examples of impulsivity.
  • Inability to concentrate: Being distracted by external events is common in ADHD, but being distracted by your own thoughts and ideas is common in autism.
  • Executive function issues include the following: Time management, task management, and project management issues.
  • Social engagement and creating friends are difficult tasks.
  • Disabilities and learning disparities.
  • Sensory issues include excessive or insufficient sensitivity to light, sound, and touch.
  • Emotional immaturity manifests as in the inability to control anger and frustration.

It\’s crucial to remember that, while these symptoms appear to be the same, they could be caused by different things. Lack of imitative speech or body language skills, for example, might cause social difficulties in people with autism. Social difficulties in ADHD, on the other hand, can be caused by impulsivity, lack of control, or an inability to adapt to group expectations.


How Are ADHD And Autism Diagnosed?


A clinical interview with a child mental health expert who is trained to evaluate and diagnose Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is used to diagnose the disorder in children and adolescents. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and neurologists that specialize in working with children and adolescents are the most common practitioners in this field. Neuropsychological testing can help to reach a diagnosis, but it is insufficient without a clinical evaluation. A kid must have at least six ADHD symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity-impulsivity, or both in order to be diagnosed with ADHD. Furthermore, these symptoms must have been present for at least six months, occur before the age of seven, and cause considerable impairment or difficulty in two or more places, such as home, school/work, or social settings.


Because there is no medical test for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), such as a blood test, diagnosing the illness can be difficult. To make a diagnosis, doctors look at the child\’s developmental history and behavior.

ASD can be discovered as early as 18 months of age. A diagnosis by an experienced expert by the age of two can be considered quite reliable. Many youngsters, however, do not obtain a definitive diagnosis until they are considerably older. Some folks aren\’t diagnosed until they\’re in their twenties or thirties. Children with ASD may not receive the early intervention they require as a result of this delay.
Early indications of ASD include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Avoiding eye contact.
  • Showing little to no interest in other children and caretakers.
  • Limited display of language.
  • Getting upset by minor changes in routine.

These behavioral patterns help diagnose autism.

Where To Seek The Best Autism Doctor In Amritsar?

CONTINUA Kids (Center of Neurotherapy in Uniquely-Abled Kids) is a holistic, research-based center that provides medically supervised therapies, early intervention programmes, and support to children with special needs. We have one of the best autism doctors in Amritsar. The center is unusual in that it has all of the scientifically established, tailored therapies that exceptional children require in one location.

For a detailed consultation, book an appointment now!