Dr. Puja Grover Kapoor Pediatric Neurologist in Gurgaon

Dr Puja is the best Pediatric Neurologist in Gurgaon. As a pediatric neurologist, she has over 25 years of experience in the field of pediatric neurology. With her core area of expertise in the diagnosis of the challenges faced by children like autism and cognitive disabilities, Dr Kapoor has made her name significant in the field of pediatric neurology. She has a track record of treating 20+ cases successfully. At Continua Kids, the best autism treatment centre in Gurgaon, she has been helping kids with neurological disorders. Dr Kapoor ensures the top-notch treatment for the challenges faced by each growing child.

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Specializations of the Top most Pediatric Neurologist in Gurugram - Dr. Puja Grover Kapoor

Dr. Puja Grover Kapoor practices holistic care in children with developmental and neurological disorders.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of ASD
  • ADHD Assessment and Management
  • Screening and Management of Learning Disabilities
  • High-Risk Newborn Developmental Follow-Up
  • Behavioral Problems among Children
  • Down Syndrome Follow-Up and Management
  • MBBS – Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi (2002)
  • MD in Pediatrics – Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi (2007)
  • PGDDN (Post Graduate Diploma in Developmental Neurology) – University of Kerala (2015)
  • Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP)
  • Indian Society of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (ISDBP)
  • National Child Development Program (NCDP)
  • Indian Medical Association (IMA)
  • Developmental Pediatrician at Continua Kids Gurgaon (Present)
  • Consultant Pediatrician at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon (2008 – 2010)
  • DMC 34567 – Delhi Medical Council, 2003
  • PGDDN – University of Kerala, 2015
  • Advanced Certification in Autism Intervention Strategies, 2018
Dr Puja has a very child-centred approach toward the diagnosis and treatment of autism with any other neurological condition. She emphasizes early intervention, regular follow-up, and personalized care plans that help each child meet his or her unique needs

Conditions Treated by Dr Puja Grover Kapoor

Dr. Kapoor brings significant experience in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of different neurological disorders.
She offers specialized care that includes these conditions among others:

Child Developmental Disorders

Learning Disabilities

Down Syndrome

When to Reach Out to Dr Pooja Grover Kapoor?

Whether it’s dealing with the challenges of managing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ADHD, developmental delays, or learning disabilities, Dr Kapoor engages with a range of strategies to ensure effective support for both children and their families.

Contact Us

Choose Continua Kids to help your child reach their full potential. To book an appointment with Dr. Puja Grover Kapoor for autism or any other neurological disorder, or to get details about our services, Book an appointment


Yes, she does early intervention and therapies, including health monitoring, for children with Down Syndrome.
Dr Puja applies behavior modification strategies, reward systems, and therapy to deal with emotional and behavioral issues.
Dr Puja Grover Kapoor treats children from infancy through adolescence, addressing several developmental and neurological issues.
Through regular follow-ups, detailed assessments, and adjustments to the therapy plans according to the progress.
A detailed assessment of motor skills, cognition, language, and emotional development in order to identify delays or concerns early.