
Art therapy continua kids is a holistic center providing medically supervised therapies, early intervention programs and support for children with unique needs.

Physiotherapy For Specially Abled Kids

Uniquely able kids function at a different pace than other children. They often struggle with daily activities and selective physical movements. Physiotherapy is for them to correct those movements by strengthening their muscles and improving body parts coordination, flexibility and posture.


A paediatric physiotherapist will identify the motor skill deficiencies and look for other chronic conditions in children before starting the therapy.

What Can You Expect From Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy may involve a lot of physical activities and exercises. Each of them has a significant purpose that would benefit the child facing a particular mobility issue. Some of them are listed below.


  • Passive Stretching
  • Manual Stretching
  • Aerobics
  • Weight Bearing
  • Breathing exercises
  • Splinting
  • Agility training
  • Endurance and strength related exercises

All the techniques used in physiotherapy are scientifically proven. Three standard treatment approaches are embraced in physiotherapy.

Book An Appointment

Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT):

NDT focuses on the problems that arise from a malfunctioning central nervous system (CNS). Children who have trouble controlling their movements due to neuromuscular disorders like cerebral palsy benefit from NDT. Joint and limb deformities, muscle contractures and other secondary impairments are prevented through this approach.

Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)

It consists of a group of interventions to reduce the impact of a stroke or neurological defect on the weaker limb. The child may have a preferred limb for movement as the other one causes discomfort. CIMT approach encourages using the bad limb by repeated practice and restricting the preferred one. Exercises are planned and executed by positive reinforcement.


Patterning is premised on the notion that an infant’s or child’s development follows a well-defined path, with the inability to complete one stage of development causing suppression in the development of later stages. Patterning focuses on those suppressed areas that may involve intellectual disabilities and cognitive disorders.


Physiotherapy At Continua Kids

We have the Best doctor and physiotherapists for specially-abled kids who use scientifically proven techniques for assured positive outcomes in physiotherapy treatment. We use a defined structure for conducting the entire physiotherapy process for special kids. The first step starts with assessment and observations concerning motor development, movement quality, posture and balance. We will discuss the assessment result with the parents and plan the key areas to focus on for the child’s development.

Our expert therapists will outline the physiotherapy sessions for children individually. The types of exercises, duration, intensity and variation is predetermined. For children who have been discharged from physiotherapy classes, we also design home physiotherapy programmes. If you have more queries on our physiotherapy treatment or want to enroll your child, give us a call today.


Pediatric Physiotherapy exists to cater to children’s unique physiological developmental needs. They’ve been proven to be both effective and safe by science.

Babies have a limited range of movements. However, they are expected to do a few things by a certain age like crawling, moving head, standing etc. If there is a delay in that, your baby may need physiotherapy. You should consult with a professional first.

With consistent physiotherapy, many children who use wheelchairs learned to walk. So it is almost certain that your child will get back on their feet.

Physiotherapy has the potential to improve the quality of life of children who have mental health issues. By helping them become more functional in life, it boosts their self-esteem.

Yes, because physiotherapy addresses the sensory processing requirements and behavioral traits of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) responsible for the gross motor delays that come with it.