Psychological Tests


1. MISIC (Malins Intelligence Scale for Indian Children) 6 till 16 years age group

2. Bhatia battery of Intelligence test 11-16 years age

3. Standard Progressive Matrices test 8-65 years age

4. The Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Rating Scale ( VADRS ) 6-12 years age

5. Indian Scale for Assessment of Autism (ISAA) 3-20 years age

6. Conners parent rating scale 3-17 years age (multimodal assessment of children and adolescent’s behavioral difficulties )

7. Social Responsiveness Scale 2.5-18 years

8. Developmental Profile 3 birth till 13 years

9. Camouflaging Autistic traits Questionnaire age 16 and above

10. Bender Visual Motor Gestalt test 4-85 years

11. Gesells Drawing test of Intelligence 2.5 -9 years

12. Child Behaviour Checklist 6-18 years

13. Draw a person intellectual ability test 4-90 years age

14. PGI battery of brain dysfunction 20-59 years

15. Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices 5.5-11.5 years age