

Empower, engage, motivate: Parenting in the times of Covid-19 pandemic

This is an unprecedented time in the history of mankind. The COVID -19 pandemic is having a huge impact on all of us. Countries are shut down and people are required to maintain a safe social distance. It is very important for us to approach this in an age appropriate way. Do not pass on too much information as it may be overwhelming for the child. Source:

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5 useful home activities for children during Covid-19 lockdown

We are very patriotically following the instructions given by our government in preventing Covid-19 spread by abiding to the rules of lockdown. But while we are safeguarding our physical health, we must also be able to keep ourselves mentally healthy. For a Good mental health it is important that we keep ourselves meaningfully occupied in a routine. The same applies to our children. Source:

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5 magic phrases to use with kids during the pandemic

By Dr Himani Khanna In these times of pandemic where kids are home and cooped up inside their houses not able to pursue their routines, lack of physical activity and increased screen time has become a new challenge for parents to cope with. A lot of teenagers  may find their parents nagging them about studying and doing other activities. Source:

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Why to choose ABA Therapy for your child

Skills that teenagers can develop during their stay at home

With lockdown 4.0 in force, children continue to be home and attend online classes, whereas working parents have gradually started going to their workplace. As educational institutes might take long to start operating normally, it is crucial that we teach our children get used to this way of living, learning and working. Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. Teenagers need to be made more self-sustainable and independent by harnessing life skills. They are equally important as

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10 life skills and useful activities that teenager can learn during lockdown

Everyday skills and practical knowledge could be instilled in a teenager by using the free ‘excess time’ and turning it into a memorable moment. This difficult time of COVID 19 could be easily turned into family bonding and experiential learning by following the points given below. Money management: Teenage is the time when a child is intelligent enough to understand the concept of money. Money management can be practically explained to a teenager by making them pay various bills like

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Five ways to help kids develop language skills at home

For children, the current crisis is acting as a catastrophe, especially for those with special needs, who love stereotypies and abhor any instant change in the environment/daily routine. By Puja Kapoor In this unprecedented time of lockdown, due to COVID 19, we are facing unique concerns. Source:

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Here\’s how parents can keep kids busy during lockdown

kids are a bundle of energy and with excessive free time and no schedule, this energy could be explosive. There is a social media message which is making multiple rounds, \”If the schools are closed for too long, parents are going to find a vaccine before the scientists!\”. This illustrates the difficult time the parents have to channelise the energy of their kids in a constructive way, all in the confines of four walls of the home, along with the

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A Battle Behind Closed Doors: Helping Kids With Special Needs In Times Of Coronavirus Crisis

Ask any parent and they will tell you how difficult it is to handle children during a lockdown. With cities under complete lockdown, schools indefinitely shut, and all forms of support system severed due to lack of connection with the outside world, schooling young kids at home is a Sisyphean task. And it is especially daunting, when you are a parent of a child with special needs. Any child who is unable to meet his physical or mental age-appropriate milestones,

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Tips From Pediatric Neurologist: How To Stay Fit And Healthy In A Lockdown Situation?

A complete lockdown was announced on 24th March, 2020 to fight against the pandemic of COVID-19. According to experts, lockdown is the only method to prevent the human spread of this highly contagious virus. Most of us in their lifetime have not experienced or imagined such a thing. But as we are in this unprecedented situation we have to fight it with hope and positivity. There is a lot of anxiety and negativity about the lockdown. Panic is spreading much

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Dr Himani Narula Khanna , Developmental Pediatrician: \”Autism Awareness Month”

Pointers from her presentation on \”Autism In Teens” at  International Autism conference   Autism in Teens What to Expect ? How to help your child through Puberty ? This Year Theme of World Autism Awareness Day “ The Transition to Adulthood”and to reach adulthood children on autism spectrum have to transit the adolescent phase. There is a paucity of description of the characteristics and needs of teens with ASD. An adolescent on ASD have challenges in three areas; communication deficits, social skill deficits, and restricted, repetitive, and

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