

Dr Himani Narula Khanna , Developmental Pediatrician: \”Autism Awareness Month”

Pointers from her presentation on \”Autism In Teens” at  International Autism conference   Autism in Teens What to Expect ? How to help your child through Puberty ? This Year Theme of World Autism Awareness Day “ The Transition to Adulthood”and to reach adulthood children on autism spectrum have to transit the adolescent phase. There is a paucity of description of the characteristics and needs of teens with ASD. An adolescent on ASD have challenges in three areas; communication deficits, social skill deficits, and restricted, repetitive, and

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Helping children with autism prepare for puberty

What to Expect ? How to help your child through Puberty? There is a paucity of description of the characteristics and needs of teens with ASD. An adolescent on ASD have challenges in three areas; communication deficits, social skill deficits, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of activities, interests, behaviour. In addition to these primary characteristics, many teens with ASD experience secondary characteristics including displaying sensory sensitivities, behaviour challenges, and additional mental health diagnoses such as anxiety disorders and depression.

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Signs of Acute Stress disorder due to Corona Virus Outbreak

In this times of COVID-19 spread  almost the whole world is terrified and is following stringent measures to control the spread infection, but it has been observed that  many people are reporting acute stress due to the overwhelming information they have. Some of the people are finding it difficult to cope with the same stress. Children, adolescents, women and people of all age group can experience symptoms of stress. People who experience or witness a life threatening, terrifying or traumatic

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Blog by Dr. Puja Kapoor, On World Autism Day.

An Ode to Autism I like blue colour. The colour which signifies WATER, which stands forcontentment, gratification, relishment , delight. I like blue colour. The colour which signifies SKY, which stands foropportunity, freedom, hope, space, liberation. I like blue colour. The colour which signifiesAUTISM, which stands for or signifies  LIFE,  aliving mortal, a creature with same vigour, liveliness, enthusiasm as anothercreature who is without this tag.  Leo Kanner, apsychiatrist, in 1943, introduced the word AUTISM which is derived from theGreek

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Colleges in Bengaluru gear up for semester exams post lockdown

Bengaluru: The universities and colleges are gearing up for the upcoming exams, planning to conduct them once the country-wide lockdown is lifted. With regards to the Bangalore Central University (BCU) exams, LISAA School of Design is continuing with its classes online using Google Meet. Avi Keswani, Founder & Director, LISAA School of Design hopes that the universities expedite the correction process to be able to make the results and marksheets ready for students. \”For the final year students, speeding up

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लॉकडाउन: इन 10 वेबसाइट से करें पढ़ाई, ऐसे बनाएं 3 वीक का टाइम टेबल

कोरोना संक्रमण के बढ़ते खतरों को देखते हुए सरकार ने 21 दिन का लॉकडाउन किया है. ऐसे में बीजू समेत कई ऐप ऐसे हैं जिनके जरिये आप अपनी पढ़ाई जारी रख सकते हैं. अगर आप किसी प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं तो आपके लिए ये सही समय है कि आप ऑफलाइन और ऑनलाइन दोनों तरह की पढ़ाई के लिए सही समय निकालें. Source:

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Stay Home Stay Healthy

This is a time of global crisis where the whole world is under the attack of COVID-19. We all as the citizens of our country are fully supporting the decision of our Prime minister to lock down the whole country for 3 weeks to safeguard us and our families from corona virus. While we all are practicing social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 we are keeping away from our routines by staying at home, some of us are

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Autism: Beyond speech delay

Autism: Beyond speech delay BLOG BY DR. PUJA KAPOOR Most of the children diagnosed with autism come to their pediatric neurologist with the concern of exclusive speech delay. Speech Delay is the only presenting symptom, as other symptoms like inconsistent eye contact, pointing towards object, various visual, auditory, vestibular stereotypes are mistaken as a normal part of temper tantrum or behaviour. As there is normal gross and fine motor milestones, normal physical appearance, mostly normal intelligence, other symptoms are camouflaged

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After acceptance of Autism: The first 100 days

After acceptance of Autism: The first 100 days BLOG BY Dr. Puja Kapoor,director & co-founder CONTINUA Kids, Consultant pediatric neurologist, After the parents have accepted the diagnosis of autism, verified by a pediatric neurologist and clinical psychologist the next step is to develop coherent strategic plan to bring ultimate changes in the child. Step 1 . Choose a therapy centre with 1. A multidisciplinary approach, 2. Having all the specialist under one roof ( including occupational therapist, speech and language pathologist,

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On the eve of Autism month

On the eve of Autism month, CONTINUA KIDS invited some of the resourceful personalities of the society, to have tete a tete with the parents of neuroatypical children. It was a heartening discussion leading to some fruitful conclusions. The guests invited were Mr. Kuldeep Yadav councillor ward 29 , Mr. Rakesh Yadav councillor ward 26  Nagar Nigam Gurugram, Ms. Rama Pandey, Film Director, Dr. Ajay Karkare, president,IAP Gurgaon Hoping for better future for special needs children. Dr. Puja Grover Kapoor, director &

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